
Royal Armouries

Museum, Leeds


Armouries Drive, Leeds, LS10 1LT

The Museum is located at Leeds Dock and can be accessed by water taxi from Leeds Train Station. The venue can also be accessed by bus and train- more information about travel by public transport can be found here.


Agent accommodation will be at The Leonardo Hotel, Leeds, which is around a 10 minute walk from the Royal Armouries.

ATAS and its’ members are proud to offer conference attendance to travel agents free of charge. We are asking for a small contribution towards the cost of your accommodation of £75pp (on a shared basis). You can book your shared accommodation at time of registration.

A limited number of single rooms are available on request. Please contact Miriam Tidman for further information. Please note single rooms will cost £150pp.

Selling Skills Workshop

Tuesday October 15

Bury Theatre,

Royal Armouries, Leeds

This session will offer practical tips on how to sell touring & adventure holidays.

To register for this session please select this option when registering for ATAS Conference

Destination Showcase

Tuesday October 15

Royal Armouries Halls,

Royal Armouries, Leeds

Conference & Evening Venue

Wednesday October 16

New Dock Hall,

Royal Armouries, Leeds